SWF FLV to MP3 Converter is a conversion tool to convert Adobe Flash Movie File (SWF) and Flash Video (FLV) into WAV and MP3 file formats.
This small application 'extracts' the audio contents from any SWF or FLV video files (one or more sound elements) into sound files in MP3 or Windows WAV formats.
All the sound elements included in SWF or FLV video files are 'ripped' into independent sound files (MP3 or WAV). The program offers the possibility of merging several MP3 audio extracted files to create a new single MP3 file containing all of them. When merging extracted MP3 files with previously existing MP3 files, care should be taken to ensure that bit rate is the same for all of them. Otherwise output MP3 file could result with playback problems.
This application supports batch conversion for more than one file. All the video files entered into the conversion list will be converted one after the other to the selected output sound file format. The program also allows to enter a whole folder into the conversion list, so all the files in it will be added to the list.